Oh, oh, oh. A treasure and delight. The interior of Monet’s home is very colourful and ornately decorated. It is also still fully furnished so it was great to see it as it truly was when he lived there. The large dining room was painted bright yellow, with a yellow table and 10 chairs – overwhelmingly yellow, but absolutely enchanting. The large studio is hung with many replicas of his work. Although there were tourists everywhere, we managed to absorb the tranquility of his garden and soak up it’s spirit. Divine, thanks big M.
A nice display outside the front door | Part of the waterlily pond | The famous bridge over the waterlily pond |
Look, and you shall find other interesting things going on in Monet’s garden, such as:
toad stools | tut, tut, caught fishin’ in Monet’s stream | you’re a good lookin’ chook (that’s what Linz says to me!) |
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