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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paris Phenomena

Some lasting images of Paris as we say goodbye to the city, and sadly, to France.   But wait, we’re off to New York~~~

004b (496x800)
Paris apartments: Who’d want the corner ones?
091b (800x533) Serendipity  121b (800x478)

Paris rooftops – imagine all those smokin’ chimneys in Winter!

050b (800x533) Space is at a premium:
Precise Paris Parking
078b (800x601) 
”Protect your private life with Windows Explorer 8”
022b (800x554) One of Monet’s large  waterlily paintings at the Orangerie gallery  135 (800x625)
This Joan of Arc statue is brilliant – makes you feel as if it’s you on the horse

002b Hmmm … this could almost be a “Send Your Best Caption” competition

1 comment:

  1. Best Caption Comp: How about the title.

    "Some bird with large boobs" ?
