*** Thanks to everyone who came with us on our journey. We have no idea how many people ended up following the blog, but we loved putting it together, and friends have told us that they have forwarded the link to their friends, and so on. Our "Contact Us" button is below if you'd like to stay in touch, and thanks again for all the wonderful comments you've made. *** Di & Linz

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Monday, April 19, 2010

*** Communication Update *** (as at 26th April)

Just to let you know that we are without regular internet access for the next two weeks – we are snatching time at the local Mayor’s office when we can!  We’ll still be blogging and emailing, but just not as much as we would like.  So, keep looking, we love that you’re looking and giving us feedback.


  1. I guessed this might be why there have been no new posts on your blog for a while. Hope you are still having a great time and I look forward to seeing more, when you are able to post again.

  2. Hi guys,
    Only just seen this "comment" thing & realised I can communicate directly with you. Love reading your blog. All these places sound so quaint & there are so many of them . How would you remember it all without the photos. Which are splendid.
    Happy journey & I'm looking foward to your Paris time! Love M
