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Saturday, April 24, 2010


Our next two-night stop was in Albi. We both loved this town: big enough to be interesting but small enough to be manageable. There has been a lot of urban beautification here in recent years which adds to the city’s charm. Toulouse-Lautrec was born in Albi and the city boasts a museum containing a lot of his works which his mother donated to the city after his death. It’s just a shame that the museum, like so many things in France, closes between midday and 2 pm. They chucked everyone out and we had to hang around for two hours before we could get back in and finish our visit. Next door is the world’s largest brick cathedral – it really is massive – also closed at lunchtime, at least to the tourists. Best of all … NO doggie doos!

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Old window catch
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Don’t know who you are,
What you’re famous for, 
I’d rather be the pigeon,
Yesmmm, that’s for sure


  1. Who is the lady asleep on the altar? Much better than the semi preserved remains that you find in Italy though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Lynn

    Don't know who she was, but was very taken with the detail involved in reproducing her.
