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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gorges du Verdon

We had already seen so many amazing things on the way to the Gorges du Verdon, but this area is breathtakingly spectacular and we were blown away by it – visually and almost literally!  At the top of the Gorge we were 1000m up and it was quite windy, and well, I got the job of taking the photos while hanging on to an open railing for dear life.

074b (800x533) 078b (800x533)
061b (533x800)
Entrance to the Gorge

090b (533x800)

So high up … how did they build this ???

089b (533x800)1000 metres up - the highest point
….. eeeeek

1 comment:

  1. And four postcard sized bits of rubber to prevent you sliding off the road...
    Amazing scenery
